join the lab

Postdoctoral Position

A postdoctoral position is available in our laboratory to study molecular mechanisms of host defense and biological phase transition. 

The position is open to highly motivated individuals with a record of scientific productivity in any area of biology. Applicants should send 1) a cover letter describing research interests and career goals, 2) a most recent CV, and 3) the contact information of three academic referees to Dr. Shuai Huang ( 

Graduate Students

Graduate students interested in joining the lab should apply through Graduate School Admissions at the Ohio State University and indicate Professor Shuai Huang as the potential thesis advisor. Dr. Shuai Huang accepts students from the Molecular Genetics (MolGen),  Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology (MCDB), and Ohio State Biochemistry Programs (OSBP).

Visiting Scholars/Students

Visiting scholars/students should send a brief description of their academic background and research interests to Dr. Shuai Huang for consideration